The mission of IPS GROUP BV Commercial Team is to provide Excellence to the Customer by presenting a technical quotation of our products meeting Clients’ expectations in the most comprehensive way.

Simultaneously, the commercial quotation of our products is generated according to the specific technical requirements, more competitively providing besides high QUALITY products in perspective.

Our sales team is dedicated to the world of mechanical products and they are technical and commercial specialists. With these skills they know exactly what our customers want and they advise always the best solution. Our Sales team is internationally oriented and work with a global mindset.

They fully provide the technical and commercial back up for all our offices in the world and therefore are always on top on what our customers want, no matter where they are based in the world.

Our Sales Team has a 360° vision as it is involved in the process since the very beginning, from the presentation of the Company to Customers throughout the delivery of the product and beyond, until the completion of the payment process.

Our Sales Team is well aware of our Customers’ expectations and of its important role in supporting the Contracts Management Department., in order to earn the CUSTOMER SATISFACTION as the ultimate aim of IPS GROUP.

Communication is where we make the next difference.

We deliver what we promise. Anytime, anywhere around the world.

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    Our Contact Details

    • IPS Group BV | Head Office (NB), Technopol 4, 5026 SB Tilburg, The Netherlands

      IPS Group BV | Rhijnspoor 239, 2901 LB Capelle a/d IJssel, The Netherlands
    • +31 (0) 10 303 2625